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Rob Dietrich, Senior Content Manager
March 18 2024

3 Tips for Repurposing Old Blog Content for Marketing Purposes

Staying relevant and engaging your audience is crucial for effective content marketing. However, constantly churning out fresh content can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. That’s where repurposing old blog content comes in handy. By giving your existing content a makeover, you can breathe new life into it and reach a wider audience. Here are three tips to help companies repurpose their old blog content effectively:

1. Create Visual Content

One of the most effective ways to repurpose old blog content is by transforming it into visually appealing assets. Visual content, such as infographics, slideshows and videos, not only attracts more attention but also makes complex information easier to digest. Take a look at your old blog posts and identify key points, statistics or insights that can be presented visually. For example, if you’ve written a blog post about industry trends, you can create an infographic summarizing the key findings or turn the content into a narrated slideshow for LinkedIn or YouTube. By repackaging your old blog content into visual formats, you can engage your audience in new ways and expand your reach across different platforms.

2. Develop Multimedia Resources

In addition to visual content, consider repurposing your old blog content into multimedia resources such as ebooks, whitepapers or podcasts. Take a deep dive into your archive of blog posts and identify topics that can be expanded into comprehensive guides or downloadable resources. For example, if you have a series of blog posts covering different aspects of a specific industry topic, you can consolidate them into an ebook that provides a comprehensive overview for your audience. Similarly, if you’ve written in-depth analyses or thought leadership pieces, consider turning them into downloadable whitepapers that offer valuable insights to your target audience. Additionally, you can repurpose your blog content into podcast episodes by recording audio versions or conducting interviews with industry experts to provide additional perspectives. By repurposing your old blog content into multimedia resources, you can offer value to your audience in different formats and establish your brand as a trusted source of expertise in your industry.

3. Update and Refresh Content

Another effective way to repurpose old blog content is by updating and refreshing existing posts to reflect the latest trends, developments or insights in your industry. Review your archive of blog posts and identify topics that are still relevant but may benefit from additional information or a fresh perspective. For example, if you wrote a blog post about best practices for implementing a specific technology in your industry a few years ago, consider updating it with new case studies, examples or tips based on recent experiences or advancements in the field. Additionally, you can repurpose old blog content by creating “roundup” or “best of” posts that compile your top-performing or most popular blog posts on a specific topic. By updating and refreshing your old blog content, you can keep it relevant and valuable to your audience while maximizing its longevity and impact.

Repurposing old blog content is a smart and efficient way for companies to extend the lifespan of their content assets and reach a wider audience. By creating visual content, developing multimedia resources, and updating and refreshing existing posts, you can leverage your existing content to engage your audience in new ways and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

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