How Influencer Marketing Can Be a Game-Changer for Modern Businesses

Influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for brands looking to connect with their target audience in a meaningful way. But what exactly is influencer marketing, and why should companies integrate it into their marketing campaigns? Let’s dive in and explore the ins and outs of this dynamic strategy.

What is Influencer Marketing? 

At its core, influencer marketing involves collaborating with individuals who have a dedicated following and influence over their audience to promote your brand, products or services. These individuals, known as influencers, can range from social media personalities and bloggers to industry experts and celebrities. By leveraging the trust and credibility that influencers have built with their followers, brands can tap into their audience’s interests and preferences in a more authentic and relatable way than traditional advertising methods.

So why should companies embrace influencer marketing as part of their marketing strategy?

First and foremost, influencer marketing offers unparalleled reach and engagement. With social media platforms boasting billions of active users, influencers have the ability to reach massive audiences across the globe. By partnering with influencers whose followers align with your target demographic, you can amplify your brand’s visibility and generate buzz around your products or services in a way that traditional advertising channels simply can’t match.

Moreover, influencer marketing enables brands to tap into niche markets and communities. Whether you’re targeting fashion enthusiasts, fitness fanatics or tech aficionados, there’s an influencer out there for every niche audience. By collaborating with influencers who are respected and admired within their specific niche, you can access a highly engaged and receptive audience that is primed to receive your message.

In addition to its reach and targeting capabilities, influencer marketing offers social proof and credibility. In an era where consumers are bombarded with advertisements at every turn, trust and authenticity have never been more important. Influencers have built genuine relationships with their followers based on transparency, authenticity and shared interests. When an influencer recommends a product or endorses a brand, their followers are more likely to trust and act on that recommendation, leading to increased brand credibility and customer loyalty.

Furthermore, influencer marketing drives tangible results and ROI for businesses. Whether your goal is to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic or boost sales, influencer marketing can deliver measurable outcomes that impact your bottom line. With the ability to track metrics such as reach, engagement and conversion rates, you can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your influencer campaigns and optimize your strategy accordingly.

Finally, influencer marketing offers endless opportunities for creativity and storytelling. Unlike traditional advertising, which often feels impersonal and one-dimensional, influencer marketing allows brands to create authentic and engaging content that resonates with their audience on a deeper level. Whether it’s through sponsored posts, product reviews or behind-the-scenes glimpses, influencers have the creative freedom to showcase your brand in a way that feels organic and relatable, fostering genuine connections with their followers.

In conclusion, influencer marketing is not just a passing trend—it’s a strategic imperative for modern businesses looking to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. With its unparalleled reach, targeting capabilities, social proof and creativity, influencer marketing offers a host of benefits that can elevate your brand and drive meaningful results.

Thinking of kicking off your first influencer marketing campaign or want to learn more? Contact us today!

3 Tips for Repurposing Old Blog Content for Marketing Purposes

Staying relevant and engaging your audience is crucial for effective content marketing. However, constantly churning out fresh content can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. That’s where repurposing old blog content comes in handy. By giving your existing content a makeover, you can breathe new life into it and reach a wider audience. Here are three tips to help companies repurpose their old blog content effectively:

1. Create Visual Content

One of the most effective ways to repurpose old blog content is by transforming it into visually appealing assets. Visual content, such as infographics, slideshows and videos, not only attracts more attention but also makes complex information easier to digest. Take a look at your old blog posts and identify key points, statistics or insights that can be presented visually. For example, if you’ve written a blog post about industry trends, you can create an infographic summarizing the key findings or turn the content into a narrated slideshow for LinkedIn or YouTube. By repackaging your old blog content into visual formats, you can engage your audience in new ways and expand your reach across different platforms.

2. Develop Multimedia Resources

In addition to visual content, consider repurposing your old blog content into multimedia resources such as ebooks, whitepapers or podcasts. Take a deep dive into your archive of blog posts and identify topics that can be expanded into comprehensive guides or downloadable resources. For example, if you have a series of blog posts covering different aspects of a specific industry topic, you can consolidate them into an ebook that provides a comprehensive overview for your audience. Similarly, if you’ve written in-depth analyses or thought leadership pieces, consider turning them into downloadable whitepapers that offer valuable insights to your target audience. Additionally, you can repurpose your blog content into podcast episodes by recording audio versions or conducting interviews with industry experts to provide additional perspectives. By repurposing your old blog content into multimedia resources, you can offer value to your audience in different formats and establish your brand as a trusted source of expertise in your industry.

3. Update and Refresh Content

Another effective way to repurpose old blog content is by updating and refreshing existing posts to reflect the latest trends, developments or insights in your industry. Review your archive of blog posts and identify topics that are still relevant but may benefit from additional information or a fresh perspective. For example, if you wrote a blog post about best practices for implementing a specific technology in your industry a few years ago, consider updating it with new case studies, examples or tips based on recent experiences or advancements in the field. Additionally, you can repurpose old blog content by creating “roundup” or “best of” posts that compile your top-performing or most popular blog posts on a specific topic. By updating and refreshing your old blog content, you can keep it relevant and valuable to your audience while maximizing its longevity and impact.

Repurposing old blog content is a smart and efficient way for companies to extend the lifespan of their content assets and reach a wider audience. By creating visual content, developing multimedia resources, and updating and refreshing existing posts, you can leverage your existing content to engage your audience in new ways and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

Showcasing the Power of Social Media: The Stanley Tumbler Viral Video Story

Recently, a Stanley tumbler and a car fire became the catalyst for a viral marketing phenomenon. 

On November 15, a TikTok user shared a video depicting her car engulfed in flames. Despite the car being a total loss, her Stanley tumbler not only remained unscathed but still held ice! The video swiftly went viral, accumulating over 84 million views.

Stanley president Terence Reilly leveraged the unexpected situation by stitching the video and surprising the user with more Stanley tumblers, as well as offering to replace her car. This response garnered over 32 million views in just a few days, transforming it into a heartwarming narrative of the season.

The comment section overflowed with admiration for the brand, as TikTok users expressed sentiments like:

“This is amazing, definitely getting a Stanley now!”

“They stepped up, that’s incredible. I’m definitely getting a Stanley now.”

“Do I really need a Stanley? Probably not. Will I buy one on principle? Absolutely.”

While the circumstances of this marketing incident were unique, Stanley’s knack for virality is not unprecedented. With a legacy spanning over a century, the brand was initially known for its rugged outdoor products. However, a shift occurred in 2017 with the introduction of the Quencher Tumbler.

Recognizing an opportunity, The Buy Guide founders collaborated with Stanley on a wholesale arrangement, marketing the tumblers specifically to women. The initial success led to a sold-out inventory, prompting Stanley to reintroduce the Quenchers on its official site in 2020. This relaunch featured more color options and a deliberate influencer marketing strategy aimed at attracting a female customer base. Influencers played a pivotal role by sharing links to the new tumblers, introducing the brand to a fresh audience unfamiliar with its outdoorsy origins.

Safe to say… it worked.

The New York Times reported on the quick sellouts, affirming the effectiveness of Stanley’s social media strategy. Since then, the brand has consistently leveraged its social media prowess in generating momentum and virality, to frequently experiencing sold-out product releases.

This viral incident underscores the immense power of social media marketing in shaping a brand’s narrative and cultivating consumer loyalty. This exemplifies how social media platforms can amplify brand stories and create a direct connection with the audience. In an age where information travels at the speed of a click, brands can harness the potential of social media to not only navigate unforeseen challenges, but also to showcase their values and commitment to customer satisfaction. The ability to engage with consumers in real-time, showcase authenticity, and capitalize on user-generated content has become a cornerstone of successful digital marketing strategies, transforming online platforms into dynamic spaces for brand storytelling and community building. Stanley’s journey from an outdoor gear legacy to a viral sensation is a testament to the transformative impact that strategic social media marketing can have on brand perception and market reach.

Why You Should be Leveraging Data-Driven Insights in Your Marketing Strategy 

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, one concept has risen to prominence—data-driven marketing. In an era where every click, view, and interaction generates a data point, businesses have a goldmine of information at their fingertips. Gone are the days of relying solely on intuition. Today, successful marketing is rooted in the insights gleaned from data analytics. The transition from intuition-based decision-making to a data-driven approach marks a paradigm shift in how we perceive and execute marketing strategies.

In this blog, we will delve into the importance of data in shaping marketing strategies, exploring the tools and techniques that transform raw data into actionable insights for better decision-making.

What is Data-Driven Marketing?

Data-driven marketing goes beyond the mere collection of data—it involves using that data to inform and guide every aspect of a marketing strategy. It’s about harnessing the power of information to understand customer behavior, preferences, and trends. 

Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of effective marketing. Data provides a window into the minds of your customers, allowing you to tailor your strategies to meet their needs. 

Overview of Data Collection Tools

The first step in data-driven marketing is collecting relevant and meaningful data. Fortunately, there’s no shortage of tools designed to make this process efficient. From Google Analytics to social media insights, businesses have access to a plethora of platforms that capture valuable data points.

Amidst the sea of available data, the challenge lies in capturing the right information without drowning in the details. Smart businesses employ techniques that align with their goals, ensuring that data collection is purposeful and not just a numbers game.

Consider how e-commerce giant, Amazon, utilizes data collection tools to monitor user behavior on their platform. By analyzing which products customers view the most, how long they stay on the site, and at what point they abandon their carts, Amazon optimizes its user experience to boost conversions.

Interpreting the Goldmine: Techniques for Data Analysis

Collecting data is only half the battle; the real magic happens in the interpretation phase. Understanding the story behind the numbers requires a keen analytical eye. For instance, a spike in website traffic may indicate successful marketing efforts, but a closer look might reveal that the majority of visitors are bouncing off after a few seconds.

Fortunately, the market offers a variety of tools to aid in data interpretation. From sophisticated analytics platforms to user-friendly dashboards, businesses can choose the tools that align with their expertise and requirements.

Let’s examine the case of Travel Trek, a travel agency that analyzed customer feedback and booking patterns to refine its marketing approach. By identifying popular destinations and understanding customer preferences, Travel Trek was able to craft personalized marketing campaigns that saw a notable increase in bookings and customer satisfaction.

Driving Decision-Making: Applying Data Insights

In the age of personalization, understanding your audience on a granular level is paramount. Data-driven insights enable businesses to identify and target specific audience segments, ensuring that marketing efforts resonate with the right people.

However, not all marketing channels are created equal. Data-driven insights empower businesses to allocate resources effectively by identifying the most fruitful channels for reaching their target audience. This strategic approach maximizes ROI and minimizes wasted efforts.

Challenges and Solutions in Data-Driven Marketing

Implementing a data-driven marketing strategy isn’t without its challenges. Businesses often face hurdles such as data privacy concerns, the need for skilled analysts, and the sheer volume of available data.

Overcoming these challenges requires a proactive approach. From ensuring compliance with data regulations to investing in employee training, businesses can navigate the complexities of data-driven marketing with careful planning and execution.

As technology continues to advance, so too will the capabilities of data-driven marketing. Emerging trends include the integration of artificial intelligence for predictive analytics, the rise of customer journey mapping, and the increasing importance of real-time data for agile decision-making.


The era of data-driven marketing is upon us, offering businesses unprecedented insights and opportunities. By understanding the importance of data analytics, exploring effective data gathering techniques, and applying insights to drive decision-making, businesses can not only survive but thrive in a competitive market. The future belongs to those who harness the power of data to create meaningful and personalized experiences for their audience. Embrace the data revolution and let your marketing strategies evolve with the insights that lie within the numbers.

If you’re interested in harnessing the power of customer data to inform your marketing strategy but unsure where to start, O’Keeffe PR can help. Contact us for a complimentary marketing analysis. 

Generative AI: A Powerful Tool, Not an All-In-One Solution

As technology has evolved lately, generative AI has come forward as one of the most revolutionary advancements. This tech is reshaping how the world creates content, models predictions, and simulates intricate scenarios. From writing content to making pictures or music, its applications are vast and continue to expand. However, as with many innovations, there’s a growing narrative painting generative AI as the ultimatesolution for modern challenges. While the potential for this tech is huge, society’s perspective of what it can do and how it does it isn’t quite accurate. We believe it’s essential to recognize generative AI for what it truly is: a powerful tool that complements, but doesn’t replace, human intuition and creativity.

Understanding Generative AI

Generative AI, essentially, is a version of artificial intelligence that is trained to create new content and solutions based on existing data patterns. Whether autonomously crafting a text, producing an artwork, or devising a solution to a complex problem, generative AI functions by imitating or expanding upon known information. It’s similar to an artist who draws inspiration from their surroundings. In this instance, the ‘artist’ is an algorithm making sense of vast amounts of data to produce something.

Artificial intelligence has seen monumental growth over the past few decades, with generative models emerging as one of the most technologically advanced. A decade ago, people would have seen generative AI as something from sci-fi, but as technology has advanced rapidly the technology has gone from theoretical to publicly available almost overnight. As we see more and more of the technology in our everyday lives, it’s crucial to understand its capabilities and limitations.

One of the strengths of generative AI lies in its unmatched versatility. In content creation, it is now capable of generating entire articles, composing melodies and even creating digital artworks with little input from a user. The breadth of its applications is genuinely staggering. Additionally, the efficiency and speed brought about by generative AI are transformative. Businesses and researchers alike can focus on higher-order objectives and innovation by automating tasks that once required hours of human effort. Finally, tackling complex problems becomes more feasible as generative AI can sift through and analyze vast datasets swiftly. 

Limitations and Challenges

While the ability of generative AI cannot be understated, it is not without its set of challenges. A primary concern revolves around reliability. The unpredictability of the tech sometimes leads to innovative outcomes that can also result in errors or misjudgments. For instance, a study conducted by MIT revealed that specific AI models, trained with biased data, can produce skewed or discriminatory results. Findings like this point to the necessity of careful training and oversight by responsible programmers to ensure generative AI works within intended and acceptable norms.

Additionally, the rise of generative AI has created ethical dilemmas through which we are currently navigating. The creation of deepfakes—convincingly realistic but entirely fabricated audio and video content—is a huge example, raising concerns about misinformation and its potential impact on public perception. To no surprise, privacy is a huge concern as AI begins to provide more personalized content creation. How much of our data are we willing to sacrifice for AI-powered convenience? As this technology becomes more available, we’re confronted with a question: when is it appropriate to use AI’s analytical prowess and when is a human’s touch more appropriate? To some, there’s a genuine fear that over-reliance on AI might lead to a loss of the unique human touch, nuances, and creativity that machines, no matter how advanced, can never truly replicate.

Generative AI as a Tool: A Balanced Approach

In our opinion, the middle ground is the best approach—one that positions AI as a complement to human skills rather than a replacement. The essence of this balanced perspective is recognizing that while AI can sift through massive datasets, analyze patterns, and even create content, it cannot replicate the intricate nuances, emotions, and unique experiences humans bring. AI can provide a foundation in areas like storytelling or content analysis, but for the content to resonate the final touch needs a human’s perspective.


Of all the recent technological advancements, generative AI stands out, promising unequaled innovations and transformative solutions. However, as with most new technologies, it’s important to remember that it is one of many tools in our extensive technological arsenal – not a complete solution. The real value of this tech unfolds when it is used with human insight, creativity, and ethics. Only by embracing a balanced approach can we use the technology to its full potential.

How to Interview a SME

Rob dives into 5 tips on how to properly interview a subject matter expert (SME)

As a content writer, a large amount of my time is spent talking with various subject matter experts, or SMEs, about their matters of expertise- and then writing a story based on my findings “by” the aforementioned SME for publication. Often referred to as “ghostwriting,” it’s a cornerstone of the marketing communications world. And rightly so. 

SMEs are often high-ranking members of their organizations, filling job functions that demand the majority of their time. They have great and valuable insight to offer potential customers, but often times, simply not enough time to compose their thoughts into content that can be used for marketing purposes. 

This situation is all too common in the world of content marketing. If you haven’t found yourself in something similar before, you’re likely the exception to the norm. But chances are, as a content marketer, you will have the opportunity to conduct many different SME interviews in your career. Following are five tips I have used over the years to help ensure I have a productive and successful interview every time that lets me craft a compelling piece of content

5 Tips for How to Interview a SME

(We couldn’t help ourselves)

Arrive Early to the Interview

I always try to give myself at least 5 minutes before the interview begins to settle in and prepare myself. As I said before, SMEs are often very busy people. You’re depending on their knowledge and cooperation to complete your work, so respecting their time is in your best interest. 

Prepare Your Questions

Before the interview begins, I prepare by thoroughly researching the topic and putting together some basic questions to loosely guide the interview. These help to make sure we touch on all necessary topics. My interview always begins by having the SME confirm that I have their correct job title and spelling of their name (forgetting this step could make things awkward down the road). 

Record the Interview (If Possible)

If you have the ability to create an audio recording of your interview, and if you have your SME’s permission to do so, it would be an excellent backup to your notes. Many SMEs you come across throughout your career could be fast-talkers, or perhaps English could be their second (or third) language. You might conduct your interview on the phone with a poor connection, or near a busy and loud work environment. Often, interviews are conducted on a tight schedule without much time to ask the SME to repeat themselves. Either way, few interviews ever happen under perfect conditions, and having a backup audio recording to refer to when your notes have holes could make all the difference. 

Let Them Talk

This is a simple, yet often overlooked tip. Obviously, SMEs know the subject you’re there to discuss with them (this is where the “E” in their acronym comes from). But sometimes, we as writers prepare so much for the story (visualizing the points that we’ll make along the way to create a successful piece of content) that we rush along to the next question when we feel the source has provided a sufficient answer. Don’t do this. If your time with the SME allows, let them talk until they feel they’ve fully covered a point. Listen for opportunities to ask follow-up questions. If they reference an anecdote, be sure to ask them to tell this story and capture it as best you can. It might provide a great example to help bring one of your points home.

Bring Backup

It’s a luxury that most working situations can’t afford. But if you’re able to, bring a member of your team to help with capturing notes (perhaps a junior level or intern who could benefit from the experience). To heads are better than one. And this might also help ease your stress over missing any important tidbits, letting you focus more on the story being told. 

Do You Have Additional Tips on How to Interview a SME?

Hopefully these tips help you on your future SME interviews. Do you have any additional tips for conducting a successful interview? If so, let us know!

The 8 Golden Rules for Effective PR Crisis Management

In today’s age of social media and instant communication, businesses, organizations, and individuals must be prepared to face a crisis at any time. Whether it is a product recall, a data breach, or a social media scandal, a crisis can damage a company’s reputation and have long-lasting effects on its success. Therefore, it is essential to have a well-planned crisis management strategy in place to handle the situation effectively.

The following are some of the golden rules of effective PR crisis management that every organization should follow:

Rule 1: Be Prepared

The first and most crucial rule of crisis management is to be prepared. Anticipate potential crises and create a detailed crisis management plan. The plan should outline how to respond to different types of crises, who will be responsible for what tasks, and the communication channels that will be used to deliver messages to the public.

Rule 2: Act Fast

When a crisis occurs, time is of the essence. The longer you wait to respond, the more damage can be done to your reputation. Therefore, it is essential to act quickly and decisively. As soon as a crisis occurs, assemble your crisis management team and execute your crisis management plan.

Rule 3: Be Transparent

In a crisis situation, it is essential to be transparent with the public. This means being honest about what happened, what you are doing to address the situation, and what steps you are taking to prevent it from happening again. Transparency builds trust and credibility with the public and can help to minimize the damage to your reputation.

Rule 4: Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is critical during a crisis situation. Ensure that your crisis management team is trained in crisis communication and has the skills necessary to deliver clear, concise, and accurate messages to the public. Use the appropriate communication channels, such as social media, press releases, and interviews, to reach your target audience.

Rule 5: Monitor and Evaluate

During a crisis, it is essential to monitor the situation closely and evaluate the effectiveness of your crisis management plan. This includes tracking social media and news coverage, monitoring public sentiment, and evaluating the effectiveness of your communication strategies. This will help you to make necessary adjustments to your plan and improve your crisis management strategy for the future.

Rule 6: Show Empathy

In a crisis situation, it is important to show empathy for those affected by the crisis. This means acknowledging their concerns and providing support and assistance where possible. Empathy can help to build trust and credibility with the public and can minimize the damage to your reputation.

Rule 7: Learn from the Crisis

Conduct a post-crisis analysis to identify what went well and what could be improved in your crisis management plan. Use this information to update your plan and ensure that you are better prepared for any future crises.

Rule 8: Be Proactive

While it is impossible to prevent every crisis, organizations can take proactive steps to minimize the likelihood of a crisis occurring. This includes conducting regular risk assessments, implementing strict quality control measures, and investing in employee training and development. By being proactive, organizations can reduce the impact of a crisis and demonstrate their commitment to the safety and well-being of their stakeholders.


Effective PR crisis management is critical for any organization that wants to protect its reputation and maintain the trust of its stakeholders. By following the golden rules of crisis management, including being prepared, acting fast, being transparent, communicating effectively, monitoring and evaluating, showing empathy, learning from the crisis, and being proactive, organizations can minimize the damage caused by a crisis and emerge stronger and more resilient in the future.

At O’Keeffe PR, one of our guiding principles is being proactive rather than reactive when it comes to PR crisis management. 

By working with us, you can rest assured that your organization will be well-prepared for any potential crisis and that we will be there to guide you every step of the way.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business!

2023 Marketing Trends You Should Know

The marketing world is changing fast, and it seems like every day there’s a new trend to learn about. The good news is that these trends are all coming from companies that want to better connect with their customers in ways that are authentic and meaningful. If you’re ready for an exciting year full of innovation and change, here are the ten trends we think will shape how you approach marketing in 2023:

Trend 1: Influencer marketing and PR

Influencer marketing is one of the best ways to reach customers, and if you’re not using it yet, you should be.

In the past two years alone, influencer marketing spend has skyrocketed by $10 billion. That’s why it’s important to keep up with this trend so that you don’t get left behind. Influencers are people who have built up a loyal following through their blogs or social media accounts; they can help drive word-of-mouth recommendations for your brand because people trust them as experts in their field. And since influencers don’t always have big budgets for advertising themselves (but often do have time), it might make sense for brands to work with them instead of buying ads from bigger companies like Google or Facebook.

Trend 2: Visualize success

Visual content is all the rage these days. You can’t swing a cat without hitting an infographic, video or animated GIF.

Why? Because visual content is more engaging and memorable than text-based content, which leads to higher engagement rates and better ROI for advertisers. Content marketers have long known this, but it’s finally trickling down to individual brands as well—a recent study found that over 80% of consumers prefer images over text when it comes to making buying decisions. Visual marketing has also been shown to be 12 times more likely than traditional marketing methods such as print ads or direct mail flyers at creating brand awareness among consumers (and 24 times more effective at generating social media shares).

It’s easy to understand why: We’re simply wired this way—for decades now our brains have been trained by TV commercials and billboards featuring images rather than words (and it’s only gotten worse with the rise of smartphones). As a result, many people are now conditioned to not just graze over ads but actively avoid them altogether. That is unless the ad can catch their attention in some way through design alone (which isn’t always easy since most companies use stock images from Shutterstock).

Trend 3: Create real connections

People want to feel connected to brands, and they’re willing to pay more for those that make them feel like part of the family (or community). The importance of building a community cannot be overstated. It’s not just about creating a platform where people can interact with each other as fans; it’s also about connecting emotionally with fans through authentic experiences and getting them personally invested in your brand.

In order to build trust, you have to be authentic—and by being authentic yourself, you will allow others to be authentic too. That means listening as well as speaking up when necessary. And last but certainly not least, use storytelling effectively—it’s all about staying human!

Trend 4: Sharing is caring

Share. Share. Share.

The world has always been about sharing, but now it’s more important than ever for marketers to share their content, and also to share other people’s content. That means you need to be sharing your own thoughts, experiences and opinions with your audience—and then you need to be sharing other people’s thoughts, experiences and opinions as well

Trend 5: Don’t ignore the haters

Haters are a fact of life and they’re not going away. But don’t get distracted by the naysayers—they’re only out there to try to change your focus, and that’s not good for business.

If you keep an eye on what people are saying about you, whether it’s positive or negative, you’ll be able to identify pain points in your product or service before anyone else does. For example: if customers love your product but hate its price tag, then maybe it’s time for a price hike. If customers hate the color scheme of one of your products but love everything else about it, then maybe changing up the color scheme would help boost sales without hurting customer satisfaction too much (and without requiring any major redesigns).

Trend 6: Use channels to create a cohesive strategy

The strategy for your business would be to use channels like social media, email, print and video to get the message across.

It’s a good idea to have a website with information about what you do and how it benefits customers.

Try not to bombard people with too much information; instead give them just enough so that they know who you are and what you offer before encouraging them to explore further.

Trend 7: Content marketing and PR are best friends

Content marketing and PR are best friends. There’s no getting around it: content is king in the digital age. We all know that video, images and text have become the primary ways we get our information online—and many brands have capitalized on this opportunity by creating their own original content for their audiences to consume. With so many options available to them, consumers are becoming increasingly selective about what they choose to view and share (or not). This means businesses need to create compelling content that resonates with their audience if they want to stand out from the crowd.

Content marketing is a great way to promote your brand. Creating original material can also help you establish yourself as an authority within your niche or industry—a reputation that will help build trust among potential customers and drive sales down the road when they’re ready for more information about your products/services or ready for action (e-commerce purchases).

Trend 8: Go niche or go home

If you’re not already, it’s time to go niche or go home—or, more accurately, niche or fail.

Marketing is going to be more competitive than ever in the next few years and marketers are going to have to find creative ways of standing out from the crowd. Niche marketing is a great way to do this because it allows you to create a brand that is unique and specific, which can really help your business stand out from competitors.

Trend 9: Just add data

Data is the new oil, and if you want to stay ahead of the curve, you need to be using it. If your company is still collecting data by hand or through surveys, well…you’ve got a lot of work ahead of you.

It’s not always easy to get access to good data—especially when other companies are vying for it too—but if your brand can get its hands on some quality information about its customer base and how they interact with content online, then there are literally countless ways that insight can be used within a marketing strategy.

For example: You might use this information as part of an A/B test around where certain types of ads should appear across different channels in order for them to reach their intended audience most effectively (and therefore earning more revenue). The color red might appeal more strongly than blue; thus, red ads would perform better on Facebook while blue ones do better on Google AdSense.

Trend 10: Leave room for storytelling

If you’re going to be writing content for the next three years, make sure it’s going to be memorable. This can be done by using a story structure and making sure that your story is engaging. Stories are one of the most powerful communication tools we have because they engage our emotions more than facts or numbers ever will. As such, they help us build trust with our audience — which leads to sharing and engagement.

In other words: if you want your content remembered, use stories!

Get ready to embrace change.

The future of marketing is a constantly changing landscape. To succeed, you need to be prepared for anything. The best way to do this is by keeping your eyes on the prize and not being afraid of change—or failure. Change is inevitable; if you’re not ready for it, it won’t matter how much effort you put into trying to stay ahead of the curve.

Overall, we recommend staying flexible and open-minded toward new ideas and methods. If something isn’t working or doesn’t feel right at first glance, don’t be afraid to try again with a different approach: maybe even one that seems counterintuitive or strange at first glance!


That’s it. We hope we’ve given you some things to think about as you make your marketing plan for the next few years. You may feel like there are too many trends to keep up with, but don’t worry! All of these trends can be incorporated into your existing strategy and used in combination with each other to create an even more powerful brand identity that will set you apart from the crowd. And if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to reach out!

The importance of quality content for your website

Content is an important part of any website. It helps build trust with your customers, attracts search engine traffic and generates business. But not all content is created equal. The quality of the content on your website matters because it can affect both your search rankings and how well your site converts visitors into paying customers. In this post, we’ll explain why quality content is so important and how you can start writing better copy for your own site today!

Provide something useful

Make sure you’re providing something useful for your customers to digest. You can accomplish this by answering common questions, providing tips, or sharing stories and anecdotes. You can also share information about your products or services that will be helpful to the reader.

Write quality content

Good content is the lifeblood of your website. People are looking for information, and if you’re providing it, you’ll be top of mind. Writing good quality content is no easy task: there are so many pitfalls that can undo even the most meticulous writer’s work! That’s why we’ve created this handy list of tips to help you ensure that your copywriting never suffers from these common errors again.

Why is quality content important?

  • Quality content will help you rank in search engines
  • It will help your customers find you
  • Quality content is a good way to build trust with your customers, which is important for conversions
  • You’ll generate more leads if you have high-quality content on your website

How do I get started?

The first step to creating great content is knowing what your audience wants.

There are plenty of keyword research tools out there, but one of the best is [Google Keyword Planner]( With this tool you can see which keywords people use when searching for products like yours or services that are similar to yours and how often they’re searched (the number of searches per month).

If you want to write about topics that other sites haven’t covered yet, one way to do so would be by looking at popular keywords for related content and then asking yourself whether there’s something different about what you want to say about it from other websites’ perspectives. For example: if someone has already written an article on “how dogs behave” on eHow’s website, maybe instead of writing another article on the same topic (which would probably get lost in search results), you could write an article titled “How Dogs Communicate Nonverbally.” This way, not only will people who are interested in learning more about dog behavior have access to more information than ever before but also those who love dogs might appreciate learning some new things as well!

What elements should I consider?

In order to better understand how to write effective content, it is important to understand the elements that can make a piece of content more engaging. These elements are:

  • Use of keywords
  • Images and videos
  • Lists
  • Headings and subheadings (h1-h6)
  • Bullet points
  • Bold text for emphasis
  • Italicized text for emphasis
  • Links/internal links/backlinks

Quality content helps build trust with your customers, attracts search engine traffic and generates business.

If you are looking for the best return on your investment, quality content is the way to go. It helps create trust with your customers and increases their confidence in you as a company. In addition, it attracts more organic traffic from search engine results pages (SERPs) so that people who are interested in what you offer will find you. The more traffic from search engines, the better chance of converting those visitors into customers or leads!


If you’re not sure where to begin with quality content, we recommend starting with your keyword research. By identifying the topics that are important to your audience and writing about them in a way that is engaging for both readers and search engines alike, you can create an online presence that will help bring in more business than ever before.

Three Ideas to Tap into Your Current Resources for Content

Many companies face the same dilemma. They have a selection of game changing products or services that their current customers couldn’t live without. Likewise, sales are consistent, but have seemed to top off. Breaking through that glass ceiling requires connecting with new customers, and what better way to do this than online? But after turning their attention to the company’s website and social channels, it’s quickly remembered the last message posted wished their customers a happy new year in 2018.

In order to be found online, you have to be present. Creating a website and social channels for your company is a great start, but without regular updates they aren’t doing you much good. A highly successful website creator and SEO specialist recently told me that “ongoing content is necessary more than ever.” And it’s true! Relevant, timely and informed content not only galvanizes your position as an expert in your field, but can help new customers find your website and seek out your assistance with the problems they’re facing. However, realizing your company’s need for content is only the first step. The second is coming up with enough ideas to feed the content machine.

Stick with the basics

Creating content doesn’t have to involve deep research and days of writing. One trick to creating quick, quality content is to utilize the knowledge already available to you. Chances are that, while you might consider it commonplace, many potential customers are currently searching for the basic information surrounding your products and/ or services, or the problems they solve. Consider a series of high-level, “101” type posts that provide this general information with a “contact us with any questions” hook at the end.

Have you heard the news?

There are also numerous opportunities to position yourself as a thought leader by piggybacking off of current events that might have some impact for your customers. We’re all a part of a larger industry, and your position as a product/ service provider gives you a unique perspective on news affecting your customers. We obviously don’t suggest basing any content on controversial or divisive issues. But if you can find a relevant current event and provide a unique, original and authentic comment on it, this is content gold.

Introduce the team

The larger trend of business transactions moving online, which was further accelerated by the pandemic, has left many people sick of interacting with faceless brands and chatbots. Customers want to know the people they’re doing business with, their backgrounds and their interests. What makes them uniquely qualified for their positions? What contributions have they brought to your company? Introducing your company to potential customers with a series of posts that highlight your team members could be the deciding factor in where they end up taking their business.


Committing to creating regular content can be daunting at first. But by utilizing these tips to get you started, and developing a mindset for identifying company news that could turn into a great piece of engaging content, soon it will become second nature. And if you need help getting your efforts off the ground, we’re here to help!